"If the sun and moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out.." ~William Blake

October 31, 2012

Practical Magic

So its halloween and lots have been going, nothing I want to talk about so I will fix this post and continue on!  So there are few movies I have found that I can watch into 50's and above.  Practical Magic is one of these movies!  I love this movie soo much, Sandra Bullock is amazing and I love the plot.

The house is by far my favourite though! I mean how can you not love this house??

Enjoy your night and have fun out there everyone!! <3

October 8, 2012


I love movies, and books, and the costumes that come with that!  Yes I'm crafty and I LOVE sewing and pattern drafting!  So all the better for me.  I thought you all would enjoy seeing some of the costumes I would absolutely love to make but sadly do not have the time of funds to realize! So here they are my top 5 costumes!! (not that they are in any order per say!)

Arwen's Chase Outfit from Lord of the Rings


Susan's acrhery dress from Narnia

Amelia's arrival dress from Underworld

I would LOVE a hybrid of these two dresses!!

Marcus' kilt from Underworld

I know it's not a great picture of it but it is the best one! :S

And of course a little something from star wars! ;D

Love this cloak and it will defiantly show up again!