"If the sun and moon should ever doubt, they'd immediately go out.." ~William Blake

September 20, 2013

Dream House ~ House plan

So this will defiantly meed to be in multiple posts!  Way to many ideas and wish list items! So let us start with the floor plan, where else would you start right.  Now I have many house plans that I have fallen in LOVE with!! So I will show you the top 4 and leave it at that! Because I have over 30 plans that I like!

First off we have the practical magic house!  I posted on the house here.  Beautiful house with a great layout!

Practical Magic movie house-white Victorian

Okay so I know the photos are blurry but click on the photos and it will take you to the Amas Veritas site and you can check them out there!  I have re-drawn the plans to make the more "livable" because it was designed as a movie set! So it lacks things like bathrooms, laundry room and a good deal of function!

The second house I would like to show you is called Chatham house! I love this one, its like an old school carriage house with a cape cod feel that is made for a large family with killer money! I Love the game room and the separate little office space that would make a killer craft room! But it is majorly huge, and I think I might feel a little lonely there!  But I do love all the stairs!

Chatham House Plan

I don't really like the look of the rear! Makes it look like an entirely different house!

You can check out the rest of the photos of the interior and exterior over on the Better Homes and Garden Site!

Now these next two are amazing on their own but I would love them combined!

First (well thirdly) the Cordelia! I love the exterior and am considering this my next home!! It is really amazing but I would need a fabulous location to build this house with few neighbors!!

Cordelia House Plan

Love the giant pantry you can use each of the "nooks" to store different things! The first one for food, second appliances, and third for tablescapes and dish stuff! The kitchen needs a double island and the master suite needs to be redesigned!

I think I would place the billiards room in the recreation are and turn the "billiards" room into a dance studio! ;D

This entire section I think would be used for holiday storage and a craft room! Can you imagine the possibilities!!
Lastly is the Hendrick house plan! This one is nice but it seems small and I am not a huge fan of the rancher style! Although I do love the beam work and the master! I LOVE the master and want it in the Cordelia pictured above!!

Hendrick House Plan

I love the master and 3 season porch! A must for every house!!  The weird second master is strange I think so I would turn that into a dance studio and rearrange the master bath!

I love the master bath from this angle! and those amazing rafters!! Swoon!!
I know all you can hear is custom and cha-ching! I know don't judge me!!

You should see the things I want to decorate with! cha-ching!!   So there you go my top 4 house plans!

Specific room ideas to come!!

Blessings )O(

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